Pubblicazioni Scientifiche:


  1. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Perimetro e variazione generalizzata rispetto ad una misura in $\mathbb{R}^2$, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 35 (1987), 173-190.
  2. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Integral operators on vector measures and applications to the moment kernel", Rendiconti di Matematica, 8, (1988), 149-164
  3. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Modular convergence in generalized Orlicz spaces for moment type operators", Applicable Analysis, 32, (1989), 265-276.
  4. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Some estimates of integral operators in fractional calculus", Rapporto Tecnico N. 8/1989 del Dipartimento di Matematica - Universitŕ degli Studi di Perugia.
  5. ] G.VINTI "Soluzioni periodiche di sistemi non lineari di Liénard con termini forzanti", Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Tomo XXXIX, (1990), 5-46.
  6. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "On approximation properties of certain non convolution integral operators", Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 62, No. 3 (1990), 358-371.
  7. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "On convergence of moment operators with respect to the -variation", Applicable Analysis, Vol 41 (1991), 247-256.
  8. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Modular estimates of integral operators with homogeneous kernels in Orlicz type spaces", Results in Mathematics, Vol 19 (1991), 46-53.
  9. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Some estimates of integral operators with respect to the multidimensional Vitali-variation and applications in fractional calculus", Rendiconti di Matematica di Roma, Serie VII, Vol 11 (1991), 405-416.
  10. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Some estimates of certain integral operators in generalized fractional Orlicz classes", Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 12 (1991), 443-453.
  11. G.VINTI "The Fubini-Tonelli integral in the sense of Weierstrass-Cesari over pairs of BV curves", Nonlinear Analysis, Vol 18, No 2 (1992), 121-142.
  12. ] C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "A General Convergence Theorem with respect to Cesari Variation and Applications", Nonlinear Analysis, Vol 22 (1994), 505-518.
  13. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Modular Convergence Theorems in Fractional Musielak-Orlicz Spaces", Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen (Journal for Analysis and its Applications), Vol 13 (1994), No. 1, 155-170.
  14. G.VINTI "The Generalized $\varphi$-Variation in the sense of Vitali: Estimates for Integral Operators and Applications in Fractional Calculus", Commentationes Mathematicae, 34 (1994), 199-213.
  15. C.BARDARO-J.MUSIELAK-G.VINTI "Modular estimates and modular convergence for a class of nonlinear operators", Mathematica Japonica, Vol 39, No. 1, (1994), 7-14.
  16. C.BARDARO - J.MUSIELAK - G.VINTI "On Absolute Continuity of a Modular connected with Strong Summability", Commentationes Mathematicae, 34 (1994), 21-33.
  17. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Some Inclusion Theorems for Orlicz and Musielak-Orlicz Type Spaces", Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata, 168 (1995), 189-203.
  18. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Modular estimates for linear integral operators in Musielak-Orlicz spaces on groups", Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Modena, 43 (1995), 483-490.
  19. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Modular Approximation by Nonlinear Integral Operators on Locally Compact Groups", Commentationes Mathematicae, 35 (1995), 25-47.
  20. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "Modular Estimates and Modular Convergence for Linear Integral Operators", Contemporary Mathematics, 190 (1995), 95-105.
  21. C.BARDARO - J.MUSIELAK - G.VINTI "Approximation by Nonlinear Integral Operators in some Modular Function Spaces", Annales Polonici Math., 53 (1996), 173-182.
  22. I.MANTELLINI - G.VINTI "Modular Estimates for Nonlinear Integral Operators and Applications in Fractional Calculus", Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 17 (1996), 143-165.
  23. C.BARDARO - J.MUSIELAK - G.VINTI "On the definition and properties of a general modulus of continuity in some functional spaces", Mathematica Japonica, 43 (1996), 445-450.
  24. C.BARDARO - J.MUSIELAK - G.VINTI "Nonlinear operators of integral type in some function spaces", Collectanea Mathematica, 48 (1997), 409-422.
  25. C.BARDARO - G.VINTI "A Modular convergence theorem for certain nonlinear integral operators with homogeneous kernel", Collectanea Mathematica, 48, (1997), 393-407.
  26. C.BARDARO-G.VINTI "A general approach to the convergence theorems of generalized sampling series", Applicable Analysis, 64 (1997), 203-217.
  27. C.BARDARO - J.MUSIELAK - G.VINTI "On nonlinear integral operators in spaces Lj ,y (W )", Commentationes Mathematicae, 37 (1997), 23-36.
  28. I.MANTELLINI - G.VINTI " $\varphi$-variation and nonlinear integral operators", Atti Sem. Mat. Fis.Univ. Modena, volume speciale in Onore del Professor Calogero Vinti, Suppl. Vol. 46 (1998), 847-862.
  29. C.BARDARO - J.MUSIELAK - G.VINTI "On the ergodic theorem in some spaces of random variables", Nonlinear Analysis, 33 (1998), 359-365.
  30. C.BARDARO - G.VINTI "On the order of modular approximation for nets of integral operators in modular Lipschitz classes", Functiones \& Approximatio, 26 (1998), 135-151.
  31. C.BARDARO - J. MUSIELAK - G.VINTI "Some modular inequalities related to Fubini-Tonelli theorem", Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Georgia, 118 (1998), 3-19.
  32. C.BARDARO - G.VINTI "Uniform convergence and rate of approximation for a nonlinear version of the generalized sampling operator", Results in Mathematics, 34 No. 3/4 (1998), 224-240, volume speciale dedicato al Professor P.L. Butzer.
  33. C.BARDARO - G.VINTI "The contribution of J. Musielak research to the theory of nonlinear integral operators", apparso sul volume "Viro docto atque iusto Iuliano Musielak", University A.Mickiewicz di Poznan (eds. H. Hudzik, M.Jaroszewskiej) Poznan 1999, ISBN 83-911474-1-X.
  34. C. BARDARO - G. VINTI "Nonlinear sampling type operators: uniform and modular approximation results", Proceedings of the 1999 International Workshop on Sampling Theory and Applications (Loen, Norway 11-14 August,1999), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, ISBN 82-7151-0991.
  35. C.BARDARO - G.VINTI "Nonlinear integral operators in modular Lipschitz classes: rates of modular approximation", Function Spaces: the fifth conference. Eds: H. Hudzik, L. Skrzypczak, New York: Marcel Dekker, 2000, 71-84.
  36. C.BARDARO - J. MUSIELAK - G.VINTI "On nonlinear integro-differential operators in generalized Orlicz-Sobolev spaces", Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 105, N. 2 (2000), 238-251.
  37. G. VINTI "A general approximation result for nonlinear integral operators and applications to signal processing" , Applicable Analysis, Vol. 79 (2001), 217-238.
  38. C.BARDARO - G.VINTI "On some class of integral operators in modular spaces", Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Special Volume (2001), Part II (Functional Analysis and its Applications), 129-154.
  39. C. BARDARO - J. MUSIELAK - G. VINTI "Approximation by Riemann sums in modular spaces", Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, Vol. 30 (2001), 253-267 .
  40. C. BARDARO - G. VINTI "Nonlinear sampling type operators: approximation properties and regular methods of summability", Nonlinear Analysis Forum, 6 (1) (2001), 15-26.
  41. S. SCIAMANNINI - G. VINTI "Convergence and rates of approximation for a class of integral operators", Approximation Theory and its Applications, 17(4) (2001), 17-35.
  42. C. BARDARO - S. SCIAMANNINI - G. VINTI "Convergence in BV$\varphi$ by nonlinear Mellin-type convolution operators", Functiones \& Approximatio, 29 (2001), 17-28.
  43. C. BARDARO - G. VINTI " Urysohn integral operators with homogeneous kernel: approximation properties in modular spaces", Comment. Math. Prace Math., 42(2), (2002), 145-182.
  44. C. BARDARO - J. MUSIELAK - G. VINTI "On nonlinear integral equations in some function spaces", Demonstratio Mathematica, 35 (3) (2002), 583-592.
  45. I. MANTELLINI - G. VINTI "Approximation results for nonlinear integral operators in modular spaces and applications", Annales Polonici Mathematici, 81(1), (2003), 55-71.
  46. S. SCIAMANNINI - G. VINTI "Convergence results in BV$\varphi$ for a class of nonlinear Volterra-Hammerstein type integral operators and applications", Journal of Concrete and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1, N. 4 (2003), 287-306.
  47. C.BARDARO - P.L. BUTZER - R.L. STENS - G. VINTI "Convergence in Variation and Rates of Approximation for Bernstein-Type Polynomials and Singular Convolution Integrals, Analysis (Munchen), 23 (2003), 299-340.
  48. C. BARDARO - G. VINTI " An abstract approach to sampling type operators inspired by the work of P.L. Butzer. Part I - Linear operators", Journal of Sampling Theory and Signal Image Processing, Vol. 2, No.3 (2003), 271-295.
  49. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI " A unified approach to approximation results with applications to nonlinear sampling theory", International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 3, N. 1 (2004), 93-128.
  50. C. BARDARO - G. VINTI " An abstract approach to sampling type operators inspired by the work of P.L. Butzer. Part II - Nonlinear operators", Journal of Sampling Theory and Signal Image Processing, Vol 3, No. 1, (2004), 29-44.
  51. C. BARDARO - G. VINTI " On the order of BV$\varphi$ approximation of convolution integral operators over the line group", Commentationes Mathematicae, Tomus Specialis in Honorem Juliani Musielak (2005), 47-63.
  52. G. VINTI " Approximation in Orlicz spaces for linear integral operators and Applications", Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 76 (2005), 103-127.
  53. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI " Rate of approximation for nonlinear integral operators with applications to signal processing", Differential and Integral Equations, Vol. 18, No. 8 (2005), 855-890.
  54. C.BARDARO - P.L. BUTZER - R.L. STENS - G. VINTI "Approximation of the Whittaker Sampling Series in terms of an Average Modulus of Smoothness covering Discontinuous Signals", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 316 (2006), 269-306.
  55. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI " Convergence in Variation and Rate of Approximation for Nonlinear Integral Operators of Convolution Type", Results in Mathematics, Vol. 49 (2006), 1-23.
  56. C.BARDARO - P.L. BUTZER - R.L. STENS - G. VINTI "Kantorovich-Type Generalized Sampling Series in the Setting of Orlicz Spaces", Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing , Vol. 6 (2006), 29-52
  57. C. BARDARO - G. VINTI " Approximation of multivariate functions of bounded variation by means of linear convolution operators", Varahmihir Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Vol. 6, No.2 (2006), 393-404.
  58. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI " Approximation by means of nonlinear integral operators in the space of functions with bounded $\varphi$-variation" , Differential and Integral Equations, Vol. 20, (2007), 339-360.
  59. C. BARDARO - HARUN KARSLI - G. VINTI "On Pointwise Convergence of Linear Integral Operators with Homogeneous Kernels", Integral Transforms and Special Functions, Vol. 19,No.6 (2008), 429-439.
  60. C. DONNINI - G. VINTI "Approximation by Means of Kantorovich Generalized Sampling Operators in Musielak-Orlicz spaces", PanAmerican Mathematical Journal, Vol. 18 (2008), No. 2, 1-18.
  61. \ P.L. BUTZER, P. DE LUCIA, J. MUSIELAK, C. SBORDONE, J. SERRIN, A. VOLCIC, C. BARDARO, M. BONI, P. BRANDI, D. CANDELORO, R. CEPPITELLI, C. GORI COCCHIERI, A. MARTELLOTTI, P. PUCCI, M. RAGNI, A. SALVADORI, A.R. SAMBUCINI, G. VINTI, Calogero Vinti - Opere Scelte - Roma-Aracne editrice, 2008, pp. lxxxiv + 915. ISBN: 978885482215.
  62. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI " Convergence and rate of approximation for linear integral operators in BV$\varphi$-spaces in multidimensional setting", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 349 (2009), 317-334.
  63. G. VINTI - L. ZAMPOGNI "Approximation by means of nonlinear Kantorovich sampling type operators in Orlicz spaces ", Journal of Approximation Theory, vol. 161(2009), 511-528.
  64. G. VINTI UMI Proceedings: First Joint Meeting UMI-DMV, vol. 2, (2009) Unione Matematica Italiana, BOLOGNA:ISBN: 9788896336014.
  65. C. BARDARO - P.L. BUTZER - R.L. STENS - G. VINTI "Prediction by samples from the past with error estimates covering discontinuous signals", IEEE, Transaction on Information Theory, vol. 56 (2010), 614-633.
  66. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI "Approximation with Respect to Goffman-Serrin Variation by Means of Non-Convolution Type Integral Operators", Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, vol. 31 (2010), 519-548.
  67. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, Errata Corrige to: "Approximation by means of Nonlinear Integral Operators in the Space of Functions with Bounded phi-Variation", Differential and Integral Equations, vol. 23, (2010), 795-799.
  68. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, Erratum to: "Convergence in Variation and Rate of Approximation for Nonlinear Integral Operators of Convolution Type", Results in Mathematics vol. 57 (2010), 387-391.
  69. C. BARDARO - H. KARSLI - G. VINTI "Nonlinear Integral Operators with Homogeneous kernels: pointwise approximation theorems", Applicable Analysis, vol. 90 (2011), 463-474.
  70. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Approximation by Multivariate Generalized Sampling Kantorovich Operator in the Setting of Orlicz Spaces. Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, vol. IV (2011), 445-468.
  71. G. VINTI - L. ZAMPOGNI "A unifying approach to convergence of linear sampling type operators in Orlicz spaces", Advances in Differential Equations, vol. 16 (2011), 573-600.
  72. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, "Approximation in variation by homothetic operators in multidimensional setting", Differential Integral Equations, 26 (5-6) (2013), 655--674.
  73. C. BARDARO - H. KARSLI - G. VINTI, "On Pointwise Convergence of Mellin Type Nonlinear m-Singular Integral Operators", Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 20, No. 2 (2013), 25-39.
  74. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, "A sufficient condition for the convergence of a certain modulus of smoothness in multidimensional setting", Comm. Appl. Nonlinear Anal., 20 (1) (2013), 1-20.
  75. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Approximation by Nonlinear Multivariate Sampling-Kantorovich Type Operators and Applications to Image Processing", Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 34 (6) (2013), 1-26.
  76. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, "Variation and approximation for Mellin-type operators", EURASIP, Proceeding of SampTA2013. 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications July 1st - July 5th, 2013. Jacobs University Bremen, (2013).
  77. F. CLUNI, D. COSTARELLI, A.M. MINOTTI, G. VINTI, "Multivariate sampling Kantorovich operators: approximation and applications to civil engineering", EURASIP, Proceeding of SampTA2013. 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications July 1st - July 5th, 2013. Jacobs University Bremen (2013), 400-403.
  78. G. VINTI, "A scientif profile of Patrizia Pucci", in Recent Trends in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations I: Evolution Problems, in honor of Patrizia Pucci's 60th birthday, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, Volume 594 (2013), 9-18.
  79. F. VENTRIGLIA - G. VINTI, "A unified approach for nonlinear Kantorovich-type operators", Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, Vol. 9, VI (2013), 715-724.
  80. D. COSTARELLI -G. VINTI, "Order of approximation for nonlinear sampling Kantorovich operators in Orlicz spaces", Commentationes Mathematicae, a special Volume dedicated to Prof. Julian Musielak, Vol. 53, No. 2 (2013), 271-292.
  81. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, "Variation and approximation in multidimensional setting for Mellin integral operators", New Perspectives on Approximation and Sampling Theory-Festschrift in honor of Paul Butzer's 85th birthday, Birkhauser (2014), 299-317.
  82. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Order of approximation for Sampling Kantorovich Type Operators", Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, Vol. 26 (3), (2014), 345-368.
  83. C. BARDARO, I. MANTELLINI, R.L. STENS, J. VAUTZ, G. VINTI, "Generalized sampling approximation for multivariate discontinuous signals and application to image processing", New Perspectives on Approximation and Sampling Theory-Festschrift in honor of Paul Butzer's 85th birthday, Birkhauser (2014), 87-114.
  84. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, "Convergence and rate of approximation in BV$\varphi(\mathbb{R}^N_+)$ for a class of Mellin integral operators", Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. Rend. Lincei, (9), Mat. Appl., 25 (2014), 217-232.
  85. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Rate of approximation for multivariate sampling Kantorovich operators on some functions spaces", Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 26 (4), (2014), 455-481.
  86. G. VINTI - L. ZAMPOGNI " A unified approach for the convergence of linear Kantorovich-type operators", Nonlinear Advanced Studies, Vol. 14 (2014), 991 - 1012. ISSN:1536-1365.
  87. F. VENTRIGLIA - G. VINTI, "Nonlinear Kantorovich-type operators: a unified approach", Communication on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 21(2) (2014), 45-74.
  88. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Sampling Kantorovich operators and their applications to approximation problems and to Digital Image Processing", Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation, WSEAS Press, 256- 260, In:8th International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS, SIMULATION, MODELLING (ASM '14). 22-24 Novembre 2014, Firenze, Italia. ISBN: 978-960-474-398-8.
  89. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, "Approximation in variation for nonlinear Mellin integral operators in multidimensional setting", Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation, WSEAS Press, 199- 203, In:8th International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS, SIMULATION, MODELLING (ASM '14). 22-24 Novembre 2014, Firenze, Italia.
  90. F. CLUNI, D. COSTARELLI, A.M. MINOTTI, G. VINTI, "Enhancement ofthermographic images as tool for structural analysis in earthquake engineering", NDT\&E International, 70 (2015), 60-72.
  91. F. CLUNI, D. COSTARELLI, A.M. MINOTTI, G. VINTI, "Applications of Sampling Kantorovich operators to thermographic images for seismic engineering", Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, Vol. 19, (4) (2015), 602-617.
  92. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Degree of approximation for nonlinear multivariate sampling Kantorovich operators on some function spaces", Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., Vol. 36 (8) (2015), 964-990.
  93. D. COSTARELLI - M. SERACINI - G. VINTI, "Digital image processing algorithms for diagnosis in arterial diseases", PAMM -Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 15 (1) (2015), 669-670.
  94. F.CLUNI - D. COSTARELLI - A.M. MINOTTI - G. VINTI, "Applications of Approximation Theory to thermographic images in earthquake engineering", PAMM -Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 15 (1) (2015), 663-664.
  95. G. VINTI - L. ZAMPOGNI, "A unifying approach for the study of linear sampling type operators in function spaces", PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 15 (1) (2015), 673-674.
  96. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, " Multivariate sampling Kantorovich operators: from the theory to the Digital Image Processing algorithm'', PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 15 (1) (2015), 655-656.
  97. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, "Approximation in variation for Mellin integral operators", PAMM -Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 15 (1) (2015), 649-650.
  98. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, "Convergence in variation and a characterization of the absolute continuity", Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 26 (10), (2015), 829-844.
  99. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI,''A characterization of some concepts of absolute continuity by means of Mellin integral operators'', Z. Anal. Anwendungen, 34 (3) (2015), 343--356.
  100. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Max-product neural network and quasi-interpolation operators activated by sigmoidal functions" Journal of Approximation Theory, 209 (2016), 1-22.
  101. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Approximation by max-product neural network operators of Kantorovich type", Results in Mathematics, 69 (3) (2016), 505-519.
  102. D. COSTARELLI - R. SPIGLER, G. VINTI, "A survey on approximation by means of neural network operators", Journal of NeuroTechnology, 1 (1) (2016).
  103. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Pointwise and uniform approximation by multivariate neural network operators of the max-product type", Neural Networks, 81 (2016) 81-90.
  104. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, "A review on approximation results for integral operators in the space of functions of bounded variation'', J. Funct. Spaces (2016), Article ID 3843921, 11 pages.
  105. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, "A concept of absolute continuity and its characterization in terms of convergence in variation'', Mathematische Nachrichten, 289 (16) (2016), 1986-1994.
  106. C. BARDARO, I. RASA, R.L. STENS and G. VINTI, "Function Spaces, Approximation Theory, and Their Applications '', J. Funct. Spaces (2016).
  107. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Convergence for a family of neural network operators in Orlicz spaces", Mathematische Nachrichten, 290 (2-3) (2017), 226-235
  108. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Convergence results for a family of Kantorovich max-product neural network operators in a multivariate setting'', Mathematica Slovaca, 67 (6) (2017), 1469-1480.
  109. D. COSTARELLI - A.M. MINOTTI - G. VINTI, "Approximation of discontinuous signals by sampling Kantorovich series", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 450 (2017), 1083-1103.
  110. L. ANGELONI - G. VINTI, ''Discrete operators of sampling type and approximation in $\varphi-$variation'', Nachrichten Mathematische Nachrichten (2017), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/mana.201600508.
  111. G. VINTI - L. ZAMPOGNI, ``A general approximation approach for the simultaneous treatement of integral and discrete operators'', in print in Advanced Nonlinear Studies (2017).
  112. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, ''Saturation classes for max-product neural network operators activated by sigmoidal functions'', Results in Mathematics 72(3) (2017) 1555-1569.
  113. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, ''Approximation theorems for a family of multivariate neural network operators in Orlicz-type spaces'', Ricerche di Matematica, 67 (2) (2018) 387-399.
  114. F. ASDRUBALI, G. BALDINELLI, F. BIANCHI, D. COSTARELLI, A. ROTILI, M. SERACINI, G. VINTI, "Detection of thermal bridges from thermographic images by means of image processing approximation algorithms", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 317 (2018) 160-171
  115. G. BALDINELLI, F. BIANCHI, A. ROTILI, D. COSTARELLI, M. SERACINI, G. VINTI, F. ASDRUBALI, L. EVANGELISTI, "A model for the improvement of thermal bridges quantitative assessment by infrared thermography", Applied Energy 211 (2018) 854-864
  116. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "Estimates for the neural network operators of the max-product type with continuous and p-integrable functions", Results in Mathematics, 73 (1) (2018) 12. DOI: 10.1007/s00025-018-0790-0.
  117. D. COSTARELLI - M. SERACINI - G. VINTI, "Approximation problems for digital image processing and applications", In: Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2018, O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.), Springer International Publishing AG, Cham. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10960 (2018) 19-31.
  118. L. ANGELONI, D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, "A characterization of the convergence in variation for the generalized sampling series", Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, 43 (2018), 755-767
  119. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, "A quantitative estimate for the sampling Kantorovich series in terms of the modulus of continuity in Orlicz spaces", Constructive Mathematical Analysis, 2 (1) (2019), 8-14.
  120. L. ANGELONI, D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, "A characterization of the absolute continuity in terms of convergence in variation for the sampling Kantorovich operators", Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 16 (2) (2019), Article 44, DOI: 10.1007/s00009-019-1315-0.
  121. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, ''An inverse result of approximation by sampling Kantorovich series'', Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 62 (1) (2019), 265-280.
  122. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, ''Approximation results by multivariate sampling Kantorovich series in Musielak-Orlicz spaces", Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 12 (2019) 7-16.
  123. L. COROIANU, D. COSTARELLI, S. G. GAL, G. VINTI, "The max-product generalized sampling operators: convergence and quantitative estimates", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 355 (2019) 173-183.
  124. D. COSTARELLI - G. VINTI, ''Inverse results of approximation and the saturation order for the sampling Kantorovich series", Journal of Approximation Theory, 242 (2019), 64-82.
  125. B.BARTOCCINI, D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, "Extension of saturation theorems for the sampling Kantorovich operators", Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 13 (3) (2019), 1161-1175.
  126. D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, "Quantitative estimates involving K-functionals for neural network type operators", Applicable Analysis, 98 (15) (2019), 2639-2647. DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2018.1466277.
  127. D. COSTARELLI, A.R. SAMBUCINI, G. VINTI, "Convergence in Orlicz spaces by means of the multivariate max-product neural network operators of the Kantorovich type and applications", Neural Computing \& Applications, 31 (2019), 5069-5078. DOI: 10.1007/s00521-018-03998-6.
  128. E. CIERI, D. COSTARELLI, B. FIORUCCI, G. ISERNIA, M. SERACINI, G. SIMONTE, G.VINTI, "Computed tomography post-processing for abdominal aortic aneurysm lumen recognition in unenhanced exams", Annals of Vascular Surgery, 60 (2019), 407-414. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.avsg.2019.05.002.
  129. D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, "Saturation by the Fourier transform method for the sampling Kantorovich series based on bandlimited kernels", Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 9 (2019), 2263-2280. DOI: 10.1007/s13324-019-00334-6.
  130. F. CLUNI, V. GUSELLA, G. VINTI, "Masonry elastic characteristics assessment by thermographic images", Meccanica, 54 (2019), 1339-1349. DOI: 10.1007/s11012-019-00982-9.
  131. E. CIERI, D. COSTARELLI, B. FIORUCCI, G. ISERNIA, M. SERACINI, G. SIMONTE, G.VINTI, "An Automatized Algorithm to Evaluate the Patent Aortic Lumen in Non Contrast Computed Tomographies", European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 58 (6) Supplement 2, (2019) e275-e276.
  132. F. CLUNI, D. COSTARELLI, V. GUSELLA, G. VINTI, " Reliability increase of masonry characteristics estimation by sampling algorithm applied to thermographic digital images", Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 60 (2020), 103022. Special Issue for the: Proceedings of Computational Stochastic Mechanics 8 (CSM8), (2019).
  133. D. COSTARELLI, M. SERACINI, G. VINTI, "A segmentation procedure of the pervious area of the aorta artery from CT images without contrast medium", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 43 (2020), 114-133. DOI: 10.1002/mma.5838.
  134. L. ANGELONI, D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, "Convergence in variation for the multidimensional generalized sampling series and applications to smoothing for digital image processing", Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, 45 (2020) 751-770.
  135. D. COSTARELLI, M. SERACINI, G. VINTI, "A comparison between the sampling Kantorovich algorithm for digital image processing with some interp olation and quasi-interpolation methods", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 374 (2020) 125046.
  136. \item[136.] L. ANGELONI, D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, "Quantitative estimates for sampling type operators with respect to the Jordan variation", Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Rendiconti Lincei Matematica e Applicazioni, 31 (2020), 269-284.
  137. D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, "Voronovskaja type theorems and high order convergence neural network operators with sigmoidal functions", Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 17 (2020), DOI: 10.1007/s00009-020-01513-7.
  138. D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, ``Asymptotic expansions and Voronovskaja type theorems for the multivariate neural network operators'', Mathematical Foundations of Computing, 3 (1) (2020), 41-50.
  139. M. CANTARINI, D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, ``A solution of the problem of inverse approximation for the sampling Kantorovich operators in case of Lipschitz functions'', Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 13 (2020), 30-35.
  140. L. COROIANU, D. COSTARELLI, S. G. GAL, G. VINTI, "Approximation by multivariate max-product Kantorovich-type operators and learning rates of least-squares regularized regression'', Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 19 (8) (2020), 4213-4225.
  141. T. ACAR, D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, ``Linear prediction and simultaneous approximation by m-th order Kantorovich type sampling series'', Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 14 (4) (2020), 1481-1508.
  142. L. ANGELONI, D. COSTARELLI, M. SERACINI, G. VINTI, L. ZAMPOGNI, "Variation diminishing-type properties for multivariate sampling Kantorovich operators'', Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, special issue dedicated to Prof. Domenico Candeloro, 13 (2020), 595-605.
  143. L. ANGELONI, D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, "Approximation properties of mixed sampling-Kantorovich operators'', Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, 115 (4) (2021), 1-14.
  144. L. ANGELONI - E. LIFLYAND - G. VINTI, "Real Hardy Space, Multidimensional Variations, and Integrability of the Fourier Transform", Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, 14 64, (2020). DOI:10.1007/s11785-020-01021-2.
  145. L. COROIANU, D. COSTARELLI, S. G. GAL, G. VINTI, "Approximation by max-product sampling Kantorovich operators with generalized kernels", Analysis and Applications, 19 (2) (2021) 219-244. doi/10.1142/S0219530519500155.
  146. M. CANTARINI, D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, ``Asymptotic expansions for the neural network operators of the Kantorovich type and high order of approximation", Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 18 (2021) Article Number 66. 10.1007/s00009-021-01717-5
  147. L. ANGELONI, N. \c{C}ETIN, D. COSTARELLI, A.R. SAMBUCINI, G. VINTI, "Multivariate sampling Kantorovich operators: quantitative estimates in Orlicz spaces", Constructive Mathematical Analysis, special issue in honor of Prof. F. Altomare, in the occasion of his 70th birthday, 4 (2) (2021) 229-241.
  148. F. ASDRUBALI, G. BALDINELLI, F. BIANCHI, D. COSTARELLI, F. D'ALESSANDRO, F. SCRUCCA, M. SERACINI, G. VINTI, "Innovative techniques for the improvement of industrial noise sources identification by beamforming", Noise Mapping, 8 (2021) 129-137.
  149. N. CETIN, D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, ``Quantitative estimates for nonlinear sampling Kantorovich operators", Results in Mathematics, 76 (2021) Article Numb. 80. DOI : 10.1007/s00025-021-01383-9.
  150. F. ASDRUBALI, G. BALDINELLI, F. BIANCHI, D. COSTARELLI, F. D'ALESSANDRO, F. SCRUCCA, M. SERACINI, G. VINTI, "Mathematical models for the improvement of detection techniques of industrial noise sources from acoustic images", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44 (13) (2021) 10448-10459. DOI: 10.1002/mma.7420.
  151. D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, ``Convergence of sampling Kantorovich operators in modular spaces with applications", Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 70 (2) (2021) 1115-1136. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12215-020-00544-z.
  152. D. COSTARELLI, P. POZZILLI, M. SERACINI, G. VINTI, "Enhancement of Cone-Beam Computer Tomography dental-maxillofacial images by Sampling Kantorovich algorithm", Symmetry, 13 (8) (2021) 1450. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13081450
  153. L. COROIANU, D. COSTARELLI, S. G. GAL, G. VINTI, "Some direct connections between the approximation by positive linear operators and their max-product counterparts", Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 42 (11) (2021) 1263-1286. https://doi.org/10.1080/01630563.2021.1954018.
  154. M. CANTARINI, D. COSTARELLI, G. VINTI, ``Approximation of differentiable and not differentiable signals by the first derivative of sampling Kantorovich operators", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 509 (2022) Article Number: 125913. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2021.125913.
  155. M. CANTARINI, L. COROIANU, D. COSTARELLI, S. G. GAL, G. VINTI, "Inverse result of approximation for the max-product neural network operators of the Kantorovich type and their saturation order", Mathematics, 10 (2022) Article Number 63. https://doi.org/10.3390/math10010063 accepted on december 23, 2021.


Monografia Scientifica:

Pubblicazioni Didattiche:

Gianluca Vinti
Dipartimento di Matematica e InformaticaUniversità degli Studi di Perugia
Stanza 512 – Via Vanvitelli 1 – 06123 Perugia (Italy) ☎ +39 075 585 5010
Stanza 21, I piano Edificio ex Biennio– Via Duranti 93 – 06125 Perugia (Italy) ☎ +39 075 585 3822
fax: +39 075 585 5024    skype account